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Meetings, workshops, conferences

Modena | Italy | 7th September 2016
Homm-sw presented at the EMEM Conference 

Modena | Italy | 12th April 2014
Laboratory in the EU project Insite on  “How do you «exhibit» intangible heritage? Theory and practice of Homm-sw”

Marseille | France | 28 Oct. - 1 Nov. 2013
HOMM-sw: a poster presented at the Conference on  Digital Heritage 2013  

Berlin | Germany | 9th October 2013
HOMM-sw presented at the workshop organized by the EU project  Athena+ on "Digital storytelling for mediation and valorisation of cultural heritage" 

Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina |  24th-28th June 2013
HOMM presented in the Session on  "Digital Storytelling for Virtual Museums"  at the South-East European Virtual Heritage School 

Milan | Italy | 16th May 2013
HOMM presented in the Session on  "Approcci ed esperienze"  at the workshop of Contemporary Authentic Milan

Rimini | Italy | 10-11 January 2013
HOMM presented in the Session on  "Cultural heritage and media education"   at the 5th edition of the Conference Medi@tando

Seoul | Korea | 13-15 September 2012 
Dr Ruchira Ghose (Chairman, Crafts Museum, New Delhi) presents Museum Learning and New Technologies at the 5th Asia Europe Museum Network (ASEMUS) General Conference, Session 3: Technology and Museum Education

Teramo | Italy | 29-30 May 2012
HOMM project presented at the Conference "Linking our history to the future: Teramo meets V-MUST.NET"
V-must | Virtual Museum Transnational Network  www.v-must.net 

Modena | Italy | 5-6 December 2011
HOMM_international workshop at Officina Emilia, Modena, on "Hands-on multimedia & ICT to foster lifelong learning in museums" >>>

Milan | Italy | 2nd December 2011
A dialogue on HOMM at the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia, the most important Italian Science and Technology museum >>>

New Delhi | India | 22nd November 2011
HOMM_2nd meeting at Crafts Museum.Discussion is  finalized to design a pilot project at Crafts Museum >>>
Suggestions for the Textile Gallery at Crafts Museum

New Delhi | India | 11th November 2011
HOMM_1st meeting at Crafts Museum. A freewheeling discussion on the general theme of Museums and Education in the context of New Technologies. >>>
Suggestions for Crafts Museum: a new identity

New Delhi | India | 3-21 November 2011
preliminary meetings with:
Kanu Agrawal l Architect
Siddhartha Das | Designer
S. Gopalakrishnan | Project manager  Sahapedia
Sudha Gopalakrishnan | Executive director Sahapedia
Ruchira Ghose | Chairman at the Crafts Museum
Nidhi Harit | Deputy director at Crafts Museum
Arundhati Mitter | Designer education and museumAbhimanyu Nohwar | designer, Sahapedia
Mushtak Khan | Former deputy director at Crafts Museum, New Delhi
Anita Rampal | Dean of the Department of Education, New Delhi Uniuversity
Margherita Russo | Professor of Economic Policy, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Pallavi Singh Keshri | Entrepreneur, eyaas.com
Awadhesh Tripathi | Sahapedia
Giulio Passarelli | student at Goldsmith, London | assistant in the homm project at New Delhi, November 2011

homm_ICT for hands-on multimedia activities in musems

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